Transport logistics  

Students acquire theoretical knowledge of general methods of solving logistics tasks. Gains understanding and skills related to the implementation of air transport, distribution channels, information systems, methods and systems of logistics experts. Gains knowledge of modeling in logistics. Outcome: Able to carry out analysis of air transport economic characteristics and knows air transport regulation legal documents. - Practical works. Testing. Exam. Able to develop a project of process of transportation. - Practical works. Testing. Exam. Able to perform the analysis of economic characteristics of transport and knows the normative documents of freight and passenger transport regulation - Practical works. Testing. Exam. Able to define the regularities of stockpiling and distribution - Practical works. Testing. Exam. Able to describe the functions of logistics and the need for logistics management strategies - Practical works. Testing. Exam. Able to show understanding of the obtained results, practical solutions, explain, argue and justify them - Exam.
Transport logistics

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